Tag Archives: wonder woman

Dreaming of Wonder Woman

wonderwomanWonder Woman. Don’t you think she’s pretty darn AMAZING???

I keep a Wonder Woman magnet, that my big sis sent for my birthday a few years back, above my desk, and every time I look up, as I see her standing there in all her heroine perfection, I can’t help but smile and think to myself… that’s her. That’s who I want to be. I, Michelle Hillaert, want to be the FEARLESS Wonder Woman.

Okay… STOP LAUGHING!!!! LOL I’m being completely serious here! (Can’t you tell?)

I’ll be VERY honest with you… growing up in a strict Catholic/conservative home, we didn’t really watch many super hero cartoons or movies. We were very sheltered for the most part. So… I must say…  I’m a bit behind on what Wonder Woman’s actual story REALLY is… (Again… don’t laugh!) BUT… with my own very vivid Anne of Green Gables type imagination… I have come up with my own theory on the not so known life of this Wonder Woman.

To me… Wonder Woman is PERFECT! She’s a beautifully put together woman who always rushes in at the last moment… and heroically saves the day.

BUT… here’s the kicker… In addition to going out and saving the world EVERY day… my Wonder Woman does oh so much more.

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