Tag Archives: forgiveness

7 MOST Important Lessons Learned in 15 Years Of Marriage

John Paul II
I’ll never forget that morning, 15 years ago. Up at 6:30am after going to bed at 5 in the morning. I had stayed up all night making my wedding veil. I was tired… nervous. Was I really ready to commit to a lifetime with this man? To be honest, it scared the heck out of me.

I was terrified of commitment… I had struggled my whole life with fear of rejection. One of my favorite songs was sung by Ella Fitzgerald, and the part that I used to sing with ALL my heart was “When I fall in love, it will be forever, or I’ll never fall in love…. When I give my heart, it will be completely, or I’ll never give my heart.” 

You see, Trent was my first “boyfriend.” The first man I committed to for more than a week. Yeah… there were guys that I had hung out with here and there, but I REFUSED to give my heart or any real piece of it, except to someone I could actually see myself marrying, because I was so terrified of what would happen if I was eventually seen as not good enough… unworthy… and cast aside. I simply couldn’t bear the thought.

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15 New Year’s Resolutions From The Heart

Michelle Hillaert

This year, instead of making lists of things I want to accomplish, I’ve decided that this is the year to really work on ME. To purge myself of the negativity… to be set free from the chains that have literally bound me for years. The chains that say I’m not good enough. The chains that say I’m not lovable. The chains of that deep-seeded fear of being rejected… of not being wanted.

I’m done. I’m DONE letting these fears define who I am. I’m DONE letting these fears steal my peace and leave me feeling “less.” Last year I made a lot of progress… but this year… THIS year… I am going for it.

You know… I was made in HIS image. I am MADE for MORE… and you know what? So are you.

We get so caught up in the negativity around us… the failures… the gossip… the keeping up with the Jones’s… that we find ourselves focusing so much on SELF. And we STAY so focused on self, that we fail to see what’s right in front of us.

We fail to see the little blessings that come with each and every day. The tiny miracles that make up this LIFE that we were so blessed to live. As a result, we end up missing out on these precious moments with which we have been gifted!

So this year, I have made a list of resolutions. A list of the things that I will be working on. Areas that will help me to grow as a better parent… a better spouse… a better friend… a better leader… and I’d love to invite you to join me. Continue reading

You Can Let The Voices of Perfectionism WIN and Knock You Down, OR…

Courage is the quiet voice.{MOMENT OF HONESTY}
I honestly struggle when I’m out of routine. As much as I HATE planning and creating lists and organizing things, I’m like a little kid that needs a routine or else everything starts to fall apart.

So… when I’m not in my normal routine, I find that I make some poor choices that get me frustrated with myself later. I have a couple drinks a few days in a row… I make the wrong choices when going out to dinner or lunch… you get where I’m headed.

“But you’re on vacation. You can’t be good all the time.”

That’s what my friends say… and they’re right… we NEED to be able to enjoy life. BUT… that being said… we also NEED to be able to deny ourselves… to make these sacrifices.

Not only does making sacrifices help with our health and fitness journey… but sacrificing strengthens us… help us to endure more in life. It builds character.

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6 Tips to AVOID Holiday Weight Gain

avoid holiday weight gainAre you ready for the Holidays? Christmas and Thanksgiving are just around the corner. Do you have a plan in place to allow you to enjoy some treats, but keep off those extra holiday pounds?

Between Christmas parties, Christmas dinner, leftovers, Christmas cookies, egg nog, etc… the fact is that 75% of annual weight gain takes place during holidays.

I’m not saying that we can’t have FUN during the holidays, but I AM saying that we can make the committment to celebrate with MODERATION and BALANCE. The key is to not allow ourselves to view this committment as self-denial, but as a way to really enjoy the indulgences without packing on the pounds.

Here are some tips I put together to help you stay on track!
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