Tag Archives: Live Fearlessly

How EMBRACING Failure Helps Us Succeed

stumblingblockIn one of my newer challenge groups this week, one of the gals in the group was having a really tough day. Things were hard. She was struggling. It was the third day of trying to make this huge life change, and she really felt like quitting. She wanted to throw in the towel and just give up.

I have to admit, it was really beautiful to see others in the group quickly jump in to encourage her and help to lift her spirit. To help give her the strength she needed to make it through that day, and then show up again the next. This was a huge battle won for this lady… and I am so proud of her!

One of the biggest fears we have is the fear of failing. The fear that we just can’t do it. We don’t have what it takes. And trust me… sometimes it’s simply a lot easier to quit, before we actually prove ourselves right… right?

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The Dawn of my ALL NEW “Get FAT, Get Thin” Marketing Strategy

Big SisI’ve decided to change my basic marketing plan DRASTICALLY for a number of months, and considering the circumstances… I thought this would be a great title for my new master plan… the Get Fat, Get Thin marketing strategy.

You know… It’s pretty amazing how life can throw hoops at us from out of nowhere. We’re in a pretty good rhythm… we have a decent understanding of how tomorrow and the next day will go, as we schedule everything in. And then suddenly… from out of far left field, one comes flying right at you.  BAM!

That pretty much sums up what happened this morning as I rolled out of bed and made a visit to our bathroom first thing. I knew something was different… so when I woke up, two days before I missed… it… I took the test, and there it was staring up at me… a big huge PLUS sign.

Yup! The Hillaert’s are expecting baby #6… GASP!!! And as I sit here writing, I’m still in a bit of a shock. The youngest will be four when the new one comes around. My business is picking up… I’m writing a book… HOW CAN I DO IT ALL????

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Dreaming of Wonder Woman

wonderwomanWonder Woman. Don’t you think she’s pretty darn AMAZING???

I keep a Wonder Woman magnet, that my big sis sent for my birthday a few years back, above my desk, and every time I look up, as I see her standing there in all her heroine perfection, I can’t help but smile and think to myself… that’s her. That’s who I want to be. I, Michelle Hillaert, want to be the FEARLESS Wonder Woman.

Okay… STOP LAUGHING!!!! LOL I’m being completely serious here! (Can’t you tell?)

I’ll be VERY honest with you… growing up in a strict Catholic/conservative home, we didn’t really watch many super hero cartoons or movies. We were very sheltered for the most part. So… I must say…  I’m a bit behind on what Wonder Woman’s actual story REALLY is… (Again… don’t laugh!) BUT… with my own very vivid Anne of Green Gables type imagination… I have come up with my own theory on the not so known life of this Wonder Woman.

To me… Wonder Woman is PERFECT! She’s a beautifully put together woman who always rushes in at the last moment… and heroically saves the day.

BUT… here’s the kicker… In addition to going out and saving the world EVERY day… my Wonder Woman does oh so much more.

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Do you CHALLENGE yourself?

If it doesn't CHALLENGE you, it won't CHANGE you.

“If you want something different, you have to DO something different.” Sounds pretty simple, but in reality… you can’t just make a decision that you want change and BOOM, you’ve got it.

You have to really CHALLENGE yourself to get there. And you know… during that challenge, you’re going to want to quit a million times over.

It’s a battle with the Mind. Will. Body.

This morning during my workout, I struggled. I failed over and over (body). I pushed myself until I thought I was dying (mind) and then I got up, yelled at Shaun T for pushing me too hard… took a break… then got right back at it (sheer willpower).

It’s not about winning every battle. Heaven knows that’s crazy to expect… we’re NOT perfect. But it IS about taking hit after hit… punch after punch. Pushing yourself to the point of FAILURE, and then forcing yourself to get back up and try again.

We battle in our business. We battle at home. We battle with our dreams. We battle with trying to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s NOT about fitness… it’s about life. It’s about NEVER giving up.

So this is my  challenge to YOU. CHALLENGE yourself. Don’t settle for mediocrity. You can do it! You just have to tell yourself that you can… and then believe it!


Do You Struggle With Getting Past Your Excuses?

Be Stronger Than Your ExcusesIt’s so easy to come up with excuses. I know, because… trust me… I’m the queen of excuse making!

“Im too tired.” “I’m so busy.” “There’s just no time.” All excuses I have used and all compelling to say the least.

And yet… I still somehow find time to catch up with the latest episode of my fav TV show. To surf around Facebook. To go shopping.

The reality is this. We can all MAKE time. We just CHOOSE not to.

It is a true daily sacrifice for some of us. When we’re not a born gym rat… Continue reading

15 New Year’s Resolutions From The Heart

Michelle Hillaert

This year, instead of making lists of things I want to accomplish, I’ve decided that this is the year to really work on ME. To purge myself of the negativity… to be set free from the chains that have literally bound me for years. The chains that say I’m not good enough. The chains that say I’m not lovable. The chains of that deep-seeded fear of being rejected… of not being wanted.

I’m done. I’m DONE letting these fears define who I am. I’m DONE letting these fears steal my peace and leave me feeling “less.” Last year I made a lot of progress… but this year… THIS year… I am going for it.

You know… I was made in HIS image. I am MADE for MORE… and you know what? So are you.

We get so caught up in the negativity around us… the failures… the gossip… the keeping up with the Jones’s… that we find ourselves focusing so much on SELF. And we STAY so focused on self, that we fail to see what’s right in front of us.

We fail to see the little blessings that come with each and every day. The tiny miracles that make up this LIFE that we were so blessed to live. As a result, we end up missing out on these precious moments with which we have been gifted!

So this year, I have made a list of resolutions. A list of the things that I will be working on. Areas that will help me to grow as a better parent… a better spouse… a better friend… a better leader… and I’d love to invite you to join me. Continue reading

You Can Let The Voices of Perfectionism WIN and Knock You Down, OR…

Courage is the quiet voice.{MOMENT OF HONESTY}
I honestly struggle when I’m out of routine. As much as I HATE planning and creating lists and organizing things, I’m like a little kid that needs a routine or else everything starts to fall apart.

So… when I’m not in my normal routine, I find that I make some poor choices that get me frustrated with myself later. I have a couple drinks a few days in a row… I make the wrong choices when going out to dinner or lunch… you get where I’m headed.

“But you’re on vacation. You can’t be good all the time.”

That’s what my friends say… and they’re right… we NEED to be able to enjoy life. BUT… that being said… we also NEED to be able to deny ourselves… to make these sacrifices.

Not only does making sacrifices help with our health and fitness journey… but sacrificing strengthens us… help us to endure more in life. It builds character.

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Perseverance is the KEY

10858589_355374761310884_3985543123232723498_nOne thing I’ve learned in life is this… I have to look at each day and each new challenge as a battle. I win some. I lose some.

But I’ve found that as long as I stay true. As long as I NEVER give up. As long as I PERSEVERE… I might lose a battle here and there, but I win the war.

While doing the Tricep Dips today for #insanitymax30 I wanted to quit so many times. My arms are still sore from doing the same workout two days ago and I just wasn’t feeling it. So yeah… I quit a LOT. BUT… I kept jumping back in.

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Do you CRANK?

Crank it up!Hahahaha!  Sounds like something naughty, doesn’t it?  But what I really mean is… when you’re working out, do you CRANK up the music so loud that you FORGET you’re actually working out?

I’ll be honest… I DON’T LIKE getting my heart rate up there.  WHAT???  Did I REALLY just say that???  Me? A FITNESS COACH???  LOL

Yeah.  My lungs feel like they’re about to BURST… my body is ACHING… and I just want to QUIT.

Battling that negative attitude is NOT easy… but if I have a GREAT song on, I get SO lost in the music that I don’t even realize how hard I’m pushing myself… that is… until the song is over.

It’s kind of like driving down the road, getting lost in thought, and then wondering where the last 10 minutes went.  Ever do that?

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