Tag Archives: pregnancy

9 Things You Should NEVER Say To a Pregnant Mama

Are you pregnant? Have you ever BEEN pregnant? Do you have 3 or more kiddos? Do you KNOW someone who is pregnant?

Chances are that you’ve heard or said some of these things to a pregnant mom without really knowing how it could affect her. Now… truth be told… I personally don’t get offended easily in these situations… not unless someone is being purposefully rude… of course. Being prego with #6, I’ve pretty much heard it all, and just let it go in one ear and out the other.

HOWEVER… I thought it would be FUN to write up the questions that I have heard over and over during pregnancy. I polled my Facebook friends, and I’m wondering just how many moms have heard some of these same things before?

Please share your own experience in the comments! Continue reading

The Dawn of my ALL NEW “Get FAT, Get Thin” Marketing Strategy

Big SisI’ve decided to change my basic marketing plan DRASTICALLY for a number of months, and considering the circumstances… I thought this would be a great title for my new master plan… the Get Fat, Get Thin marketing strategy.

You know… It’s pretty amazing how life can throw hoops at us from out of nowhere. We’re in a pretty good rhythm… we have a decent understanding of how tomorrow and the next day will go, as we schedule everything in. And then suddenly… from out of far left field, one comes flying right at you.  BAM!

That pretty much sums up what happened this morning as I rolled out of bed and made a visit to our bathroom first thing. I knew something was different… so when I woke up, two days before I missed… it… I took the test, and there it was staring up at me… a big huge PLUS sign.

Yup! The Hillaert’s are expecting baby #6… GASP!!! And as I sit here writing, I’m still in a bit of a shock. The youngest will be four when the new one comes around. My business is picking up… I’m writing a book… HOW CAN I DO IT ALL????

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