Tag Archives: InsanityMax30

My SECRETS to Achieving these AMAZING Insanity Max:30 RESULTS!

MichelleInsanityMax30After 60 days of digging in and not missing a SINGLE workout for Insanity Max:30, my final results are in! I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised, considering how many times I took mini dives off the wagon over Christmas break, AND the fact that my little alien that has taken residence inside me is now approximately 6 weeks old.

I’d be lying if I said it was easy. It definitely wasn’t easy. But I made the commitment when I started the program that I would not miss a single workout, and I haven’t.

In committing to a program like this, it’s definitely a battle of the mind, the body and the will. So I put together some “secrets” so to speak to being successful when following a Beachbody work out program.


Do you want to change, but you’re struggling with making a full commitment and getting it done? Here are the commitments I made to myself in order to achieve success. Continue reading

Do you CHALLENGE yourself?

If it doesn't CHALLENGE you, it won't CHANGE you.

“If you want something different, you have to DO something different.” Sounds pretty simple, but in reality… you can’t just make a decision that you want change and BOOM, you’ve got it.

You have to really CHALLENGE yourself to get there. And you know… during that challenge, you’re going to want to quit a million times over.

It’s a battle with the Mind. Will. Body.

This morning during my workout, I struggled. I failed over and over (body). I pushed myself until I thought I was dying (mind) and then I got up, yelled at Shaun T for pushing me too hard… took a break… then got right back at it (sheer willpower).

It’s not about winning every battle. Heaven knows that’s crazy to expect… we’re NOT perfect. But it IS about taking hit after hit… punch after punch. Pushing yourself to the point of FAILURE, and then forcing yourself to get back up and try again.

We battle in our business. We battle at home. We battle with our dreams. We battle with trying to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s NOT about fitness… it’s about life. It’s about NEVER giving up.

So this is my  challenge to YOU. CHALLENGE yourself. Don’t settle for mediocrity. You can do it! You just have to tell yourself that you can… and then believe it!


Perseverance is the KEY

10858589_355374761310884_3985543123232723498_nOne thing I’ve learned in life is this… I have to look at each day and each new challenge as a battle. I win some. I lose some.

But I’ve found that as long as I stay true. As long as I NEVER give up. As long as I PERSEVERE… I might lose a battle here and there, but I win the war.

While doing the Tricep Dips today for #insanitymax30 I wanted to quit so many times. My arms are still sore from doing the same workout two days ago and I just wasn’t feeling it. So yeah… I quit a LOT. BUT… I kept jumping back in.

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