Category Archives: Fitness

My SECRETS to Achieving these AMAZING Insanity Max:30 RESULTS!

MichelleInsanityMax30After 60 days of digging in and not missing a SINGLE workout for Insanity Max:30, my final results are in! I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised, considering how many times I took mini dives off the wagon over Christmas break, AND the fact that my little alien that has taken residence inside me is now approximately 6 weeks old.

I’d be lying if I said it was easy. It definitely wasn’t easy. But I made the commitment when I started the program that I would not miss a single workout, and I haven’t.

In committing to a program like this, it’s definitely a battle of the mind, the body and the will. So I put together some “secrets” so to speak to being successful when following a Beachbody work out program.


Do you want to change, but you’re struggling with making a full commitment and getting it done? Here are the commitments I made to myself in order to achieve success. Continue reading

The Dawn of my ALL NEW “Get FAT, Get Thin” Marketing Strategy

Big SisI’ve decided to change my basic marketing plan DRASTICALLY for a number of months, and considering the circumstances… I thought this would be a great title for my new master plan… the Get Fat, Get Thin marketing strategy.

You know… It’s pretty amazing how life can throw hoops at us from out of nowhere. We’re in a pretty good rhythm… we have a decent understanding of how tomorrow and the next day will go, as we schedule everything in. And then suddenly… from out of far left field, one comes flying right at you.  BAM!

That pretty much sums up what happened this morning as I rolled out of bed and made a visit to our bathroom first thing. I knew something was different… so when I woke up, two days before I missed… it… I took the test, and there it was staring up at me… a big huge PLUS sign.

Yup! The Hillaert’s are expecting baby #6… GASP!!! And as I sit here writing, I’m still in a bit of a shock. The youngest will be four when the new one comes around. My business is picking up… I’m writing a book… HOW CAN I DO IT ALL????

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Do you CHALLENGE yourself?

If it doesn't CHALLENGE you, it won't CHANGE you.

“If you want something different, you have to DO something different.” Sounds pretty simple, but in reality… you can’t just make a decision that you want change and BOOM, you’ve got it.

You have to really CHALLENGE yourself to get there. And you know… during that challenge, you’re going to want to quit a million times over.

It’s a battle with the Mind. Will. Body.

This morning during my workout, I struggled. I failed over and over (body). I pushed myself until I thought I was dying (mind) and then I got up, yelled at Shaun T for pushing me too hard… took a break… then got right back at it (sheer willpower).

It’s not about winning every battle. Heaven knows that’s crazy to expect… we’re NOT perfect. But it IS about taking hit after hit… punch after punch. Pushing yourself to the point of FAILURE, and then forcing yourself to get back up and try again.

We battle in our business. We battle at home. We battle with our dreams. We battle with trying to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s NOT about fitness… it’s about life. It’s about NEVER giving up.

So this is my  challenge to YOU. CHALLENGE yourself. Don’t settle for mediocrity. You can do it! You just have to tell yourself that you can… and then believe it!


Do You Struggle With Getting Past Your Excuses?

Be Stronger Than Your ExcusesIt’s so easy to come up with excuses. I know, because… trust me… I’m the queen of excuse making!

“Im too tired.” “I’m so busy.” “There’s just no time.” All excuses I have used and all compelling to say the least.

And yet… I still somehow find time to catch up with the latest episode of my fav TV show. To surf around Facebook. To go shopping.

The reality is this. We can all MAKE time. We just CHOOSE not to.

It is a true daily sacrifice for some of us. When we’re not a born gym rat… Continue reading

10 Ways to ROCK Your Next Party GUILT-FREE

Party Plan(This blog article has been copied from the Confessions of a Dietbreaker Blog)

Parties. They’re SOOO much fun, and yet so quick to throw us COMPLETELY off track. Full of tasty appetizers, yummy drinks (not to mention those high-calorie alcoholic ones that are often available), and great conversation in which we tend to get lost while munching away.

From the moment we walk into a party, our paths are lined with temptation and yes… even… DIET-SABATOGERS. You know… those people who actually encourage you to let it all go and to just have fun. OH MY!

So what do you do? Just how DO you avoid these diet-sabotaging traps which cause you to fall completely off the wagon and yet still allow yourself to really have a little fun? (Cuz, C’mon! What’s life without having some fun! And yes… even allowing ourselves some treats?)

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You Can Let The Voices of Perfectionism WIN and Knock You Down, OR…

Courage is the quiet voice.{MOMENT OF HONESTY}
I honestly struggle when I’m out of routine. As much as I HATE planning and creating lists and organizing things, I’m like a little kid that needs a routine or else everything starts to fall apart.

So… when I’m not in my normal routine, I find that I make some poor choices that get me frustrated with myself later. I have a couple drinks a few days in a row… I make the wrong choices when going out to dinner or lunch… you get where I’m headed.

“But you’re on vacation. You can’t be good all the time.”

That’s what my friends say… and they’re right… we NEED to be able to enjoy life. BUT… that being said… we also NEED to be able to deny ourselves… to make these sacrifices.

Not only does making sacrifices help with our health and fitness journey… but sacrificing strengthens us… help us to endure more in life. It builds character.

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Perseverance is the KEY

10858589_355374761310884_3985543123232723498_nOne thing I’ve learned in life is this… I have to look at each day and each new challenge as a battle. I win some. I lose some.

But I’ve found that as long as I stay true. As long as I NEVER give up. As long as I PERSEVERE… I might lose a battle here and there, but I win the war.

While doing the Tricep Dips today for #insanitymax30 I wanted to quit so many times. My arms are still sore from doing the same workout two days ago and I just wasn’t feeling it. So yeah… I quit a LOT. BUT… I kept jumping back in.

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6 Tips to AVOID Holiday Weight Gain

avoid holiday weight gainAre you ready for the Holidays? Christmas and Thanksgiving are just around the corner. Do you have a plan in place to allow you to enjoy some treats, but keep off those extra holiday pounds?

Between Christmas parties, Christmas dinner, leftovers, Christmas cookies, egg nog, etc… the fact is that 75% of annual weight gain takes place during holidays.

I’m not saying that we can’t have FUN during the holidays, but I AM saying that we can make the committment to celebrate with MODERATION and BALANCE. The key is to not allow ourselves to view this committment as self-denial, but as a way to really enjoy the indulgences without packing on the pounds.

Here are some tips I put together to help you stay on track!
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How to Find Your WHY… yeah… got one?

When you discover the DEEPER reason WHY you want something... you WILL do what it takes to reach your goals.  When you want to quit... when you fail (and you will... over and over and over again)... when everything seems lost... you'll dig deeper and remember WHY you got started in the first place.Let me ask you… Are you READY for change?  Then my question to you is…WHY?  If you WANT change, then you need to dig deeper and find something big enough that you can hold on to on the days you just REALLY want to quit.

So… let’s walk through this process.  Are you ready to dig deep?  

I’m going to use an example of a conversation I had with one of my challengers in my fitness challenge group to drive this point home.

Here we go…

Do you want to lose weight?



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